Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lab #8: Cave Diving

So I'm actually pretty scared of Cave Diving. 
And with good reason, since about 10 out of every 1000 people who go cave diving die there. Also its probably cold. 
But that doesn't mean I cant appreciate these beautiful rock formations:

80ft below the surface, the Cascade room in Dan's Cave, on Abaco Island in the Bahamas, is one of the most sensational chambers in the cave system


I like this picture because you can see the clear lines in the sedimentary rock. It looks like what would happen if the Arizona Sandstone Swirl flooded. 

Really Cool. 
Want to learn more? Click HERE! or HERE

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lab #7:Community Gardens

I personally think there is no argument about whether or not we should have community gardens. 
Its a brilliant idea. Especially for urban or impoverished areas. Or impoverished urban areas. 
Just look at this beauty:
It used to be a parking lot! Now its a great place to 
a) encourage the youths to get outside!
b) teach people about making healthy choices
c) teach people to grow thier own food
d) teach about sustainability
e) encourage interaction between generations
f) provide a beautiful contrast from the busy busy city!


However, concerns about the contents of the soil are well founded, especially in cities! Thank goodness some genius came up with these:

In short: Community gardens are awesome. They provide opportunities that people might no get otherwise. Also: food. 

Here is some more information:  Community Gardens near Macon, How to start a community garden, and 4 whole pages on the benefits of community gardens (in case you weren't completely convinced.) 


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lab #6: Rock Box Lab

 *so pretty*
*actual science part wow so smart and so pretty. also crafty*

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Lab #5: Change in Elevation over Distance Lab

This lab involved us picking a place and checking the change in elevation over 12 miles of it. I chose Evansville, IL. 

Here is an image of where I measured: 

Here is a chart of my findings:

Here is a graph showing the data in the table above:

To achieve this, I :
  1. Used the ruler tool to create a straight line, 12 miles across on Google Maps
  2. Used the ruler tool to measure 1-mile increments the length of the line
  3. at each increment, I recorded the elevation at that point on the line. 
  4. I put these findings on a table and then created a graph. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lab #4: Hydrothermal Vents


Where are they found? 
Hydrothermal vents are found along the mid-atlantic ridge.

How do they work?
The molten rock near the ridge heats up water, which rise very quickly. This water contains lots of minerals, so it is often dark in color. 

What are the physical structures of vents?
They are very tall and often cylindrical. They look like chimney.

What kinds of animals live near vents? 
Scaleworms live near vents: 

Hydrothermal vent scaleworm

If you want to learn more about Hydrothermal Vents, click here!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Lab #3: Minerals

Chemical formula: Ca2(Fe,Mg)5Si8O22(OH)2
It is in the Amphibole group, and has a double chains silicate structure.
Its cleavage is two planes at 60 degrees and 120 degrees.
Chemical formula: (Mg,Fe)2SiO4
It is in the Olivine group, with a single tetrahedra silicate structure.
It has no cleavage. 

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Lab #2: Maps and Topography

1) This is my Topo map of Georgia- Pink is for the Topo lines, Blue for water droplets. 
2) This is a Cloropleth map showing the highest played public employee. This kind of map is useful for seeing how defined regions compare to each other (in this case, the states)
3) This is an Isarithmic map showing what it would be like if U.S. land were divided like U.S. wealth. This kind of map is good for seeing how divided regions compare to each other. 
4) This is a Dot Density map showing the Irish population in West Virginia. This kind of map is good for seeing the frequency of a type of event with some detail about location.
5) This is a Proportional Symbol Map showing how many Walmarts are in each state. This kind of map is good for seeing the frequency of an event with less detail about location.